It amazes me that there is not a lot of concern about the world we live in. As I posted in my last blog, every decision we make can make a difference. You have a choice. Are you going to change your habits and start recycling the plastic, paper and other materials. Are you going to try to fix things rather than buy new ones. Are you going to re-gift the furniture that you no longer need?
Most people don't ask themselves questions like that. Their whole world is circled just around them. As a matter of fact, it's filled with a lot of complaints. It is never enough. The NEED to have the newest thing amazes me. I need more, more and moreeeeeeeeeeeeeee. This blog has done some awakening for me. It's all these thoughts and feelings I have deep inside but I could not live by because of circumstances I found myself in. It takes some soul searching and determination as well as sacrifice to get on the path to be aware of your own choices.
In this new year let's try to be less selfish, less materialistic, less needy, less self centered but more giving, reasonable, inspiring and aware!!!
I am going to try to share some really good websites to buy some amazing fair trade clothes. These young people inspire me. When you get to this website, go to the about us section and read about their own motivation and hard work to make a difference in this world. I hope that it wont leave you untouched.
I have hopes for all of us(including me). That we will ask more questions, inquire more information and make the ethical decisions to buy consciously. I am not saying give up everything right now forever. But I am sure that once you start learning more that it will make you feel good.
check out this website for fair trade fashions. It has a wonderful selection of organic clothing. You can ask for prints that are by your own taste which allows you to be individual and different. Don't be a follower, be a leader!
Have fun, let me know what you guys think :)
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